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install zeal on ubuntu 12.04

dash is an excellent API documentation browser on OSX. It supports offline documentation sets for lots of programming language, and search in dash is a lot faster than search on web. You can have access to documentation instantly, even if you don't have network access. Fortunately, programmers working on windows, linux platform, can use zeal, which is a opensource clone of dash.
The easy way to install zeal on Ubuntu is to install from the PPA . But we can't use this option, because zeal depends on Qt5, but we can't install Qt5 on system standard location to avoid confication with Qt4, which is used for our product development. So, we choose to install Qt5 in /opt directory and build zeal ourselves.
A problem with build zeal is it requires c++11 support, which isn't supported by gcc v4.6. But we can't upgrade to newer version. So, we choose to use clang v3.3 (or newer version) to build zeal.
  1. Download qt5 installer from and install to /opt
  2. Install required packages and clang:
    sudo apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev bsdtar clang-3.3 libclang1-3.3
  3. Download zeal source code:
    git clone
  4. Run
    /opt/Qt5.2.1/5.2.1/gcc_64/bin/qmake -spec linux-clang && make && sudo make install


access github through proxy

In China mainland, you never know for what reason a website gets blocked by the fucking GFW. Even if the site has nothing to do with politics. github is a example, many developers in China are victims. This post is about how to access github via a proxy, such as goagent.
The git pull/push command can be instructed to access remote server via proxy by setting https_proxy environment variable. So, we can run commands below use proxy.
https_proxy= git pull
export https_proxy=
git push
But we may get below error because the goagent ssl certificate can't be verified.
error: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate while accessing
fatal: HTTP request failed
To resolve this problem, we can force git not to verify ssl ceritificate by setting GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY environment variable.
export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true
git pull
To make these settings perminately for a git project or globally. We can write them to git config file.
git config http.proxy
git config http.sslVerify false
The resulting .git/config file is like this:
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
proxy =
sslVerify = false
BTW, there is a rumour that Fang BingXing gets ill badly recently. Wish Death can conquer him as soon as possible, amen.

install gevent on mac os

This post is for Mac users in China who wants to fuck the gfw.
The goagent has been rewritten based on gevent. Though it still supported to run without gevent, it's recommended to install gevent.
It's pretty easy to install gevent on mac os with brew and pip tools.
  1. brew install libevent
  2. sudo pip install gevent greenlet


improve c++ autocomplete in vim with clang-complete plugin

clang-complete is a powerful vim autocomplete plugin for c/c++ developers. Unlike the famous OmniCppComplete plugin, which makes use of ctag database to implement completion, the clang-complete plugin take advantage of the clang compiler. With the help of compiler, far more knowledge can be gained than the tag matching method. So the plugin can achieve a very precise completion, just like how visual studio does.

clang-complete mode

1. executable mode

In this mode, each time we trigger a completion (Ctrl_X Ctrl_U) in vim, the plugin will invoke the clang executable on the specified position in source code, then read and parse the executable's output to use as the candidates list.

2. library mode

In this mode, the plugin will run a python script to invoke the libclang library to get the candidates list. As the author indicates, the libclang library employs cache mechanism and runs much faster than the executable mode. I also observed another difference. On windows, the clang.exe may fail to compile our source code and returns a non-0 exit code. In this case, the plugin only returns an empty list, even though it may be able to produce a correct list. But the library mode doesn't have this limitation. So, it's the recommended way to use.

how to use it


By following instructions in this wiki page, the plugin works very well on ubuntu. The only thing wasn't mentioned in the documenataion is that in order to use library mode, we must install the libclang-dev package.


The experience of using the plugin of windows is much more difficult.

1. Get a windows version clang

Since new version (v3.1) of clang can be compiled with visual studio, it's not difficult to compile the clang.exe and libclang.dll myself. Just note that though the clang can run on windows and can compile our c++ code, it can't performing linking. That's fair enough to simply use clang for our purpose.
And you can get the binaries I compiled here, for free :).

2. Get right output in executable mode

The clang.exe on windows outputs a lot of message to stderr, which are not interested by the plugin at all. Because the plugin uses system() function to invoke clang.exe, and the function will automatically redirect stderr to stdout by default. The author of the plugin suggests we can use let g:clang_user_options = '2> NUL || exit 0"' to get rid of stderr output. But it doesn't work for me. And I finally come up with this patch to fix the problem.
diff --git a/plugin/clang_complete.vim b/plugin/clang_complete.vim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 7cb0fe0..6db164d
--- a/plugin/clang_complete.vim
+++ b/plugin/clang_complete.vim
@@ -421,6 +421,8 @@ function! s:ClangCompleteBinary(base)
return {}
let l:escaped_tempfile = shellescape(l:tempfile)
+ let l:shellredir_orig = &shellredir
+ let &shellredir ='>%s 2>NUL'

let l:command = g:clang_exec . ' -cc1 -fsyntax-only'
\ . ' -fno-caret-diagnostics -fdiagnostics-print-source-range-info'
@@ -429,6 +431,8 @@ function! s:ClangCompleteBinary(base)
\ . ' ' . b:clang_parameters . ' ' . b:clang_user_options . ' ' . g:clang_user_options
let l:clang_output = split(system(l:command), "\n")
call delete(l:tempfile)
+ " restore original shellredir
+ let &shellredir = l:shellredir_orig

call s:ClangQuickFix(l:clang_output, l:tempfile)
if v:shell_error

3. Make python ctypes module to work in library mode

The plugin uses ctypes module to invoke the libclang.dll. Due to a mysterious reason, the ctypes module can't be loaded successfully when run from embedded python in vim. I got the the "ImportError: No module named _ctypes" error and the plugin failed to work. But when I tested from a standalone python instance, the ctypes module worked well. After some debugging, it seems the embedded python doesn't search {python_root}/dlls directory to load _ctypes.pyd file, but the standalone python does. So I take a nasty method to solve the problem by copying the _ctypes.pyd to the clang_complete's plugin directory, right besides file.


build subversion 1.7 for ubuntu 11.04

subversion 1.7 has many new fascinating features, like viewing diff in svn log command, and a cleaner directory layout (only one .svn folder in root directory, just like git does). But this version isn't available in ubuntu's official source. To upgrade to this new version, I choose to build it myself.

  1. Download neon, which adds http and https protocol support to svn
  2. cd to neon source root directory and run: ./configure --enable-shared --with-ssl
  3. Then run: make && sudo make install
  4. Download and extract svn source
  5. Download sqlite-amalgamation , extract it and copy to sqlite-amalgamation
  6. cd to svn source root directory
  7. run svn co apr-util
  8. run svn co apr
  9. cd to apr and run: ./buildconf
  10. cd to apr-util and run: ./buildconf
  11. go back to svn source root directory and run: ./configure --with-ssl
  12. edit files below
    apr/build/  change $(top_builddir) to $(apr_builddir)
    apr-util/build/  change $(top_builddir) to $(apr_builddir)
  13. make
  14. sudo make install


ease android stacktrace examination in vim with agdb

Continue the post view call stack of crashed application on android.
The agdb tool is able to convert PC register to source file information, but not convenient enough. After agdb outputs source file information, we still need to open the source file in vim and jump to the corresponding line manually.
Now agdb tool can generate a vim specific error file for the stacktrace to help us jump to source code directly.
Still consider the stacktrace below:

22 F/ASessionDescription(   33): frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/rtsp/ASessionDescription.cpp:264 CHECK_GT( end,s) failed:  vs.
23 I/DEBUG   (   30): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
24 I/DEBUG   (   30): Build fingerprint: 'generic/generic/generic:2.3.1/GINGERBREAD/eng.raymond.20101222.130550:eng/test-keys'
25 I/DEBUG   (   30): pid: 33, tid: 450  >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
26 I/DEBUG   (   30): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad
27 I/DEBUG   (   30):  r0 deadbaad  r1 0000000c  r2 00000027  r3 00000000
28 I/DEBUG   (   30):  r4 00000080  r5 afd46668  r6 40806c10  r7 00000000
29 I/DEBUG   (   30):  r8 8031db1d  r9 0000fae0  10 00100000  fp 00000001
30 I/DEBUG   (   30):  ip ffffffff  sp 40806778  lr afd19375  pc afd15ef0  cpsr 00000030
31 I/DEBUG   (   30):          #00  pc 00015ef0  /system/lib/
32 I/DEBUG   (   30):          #01  pc 00001440  /system/lib/
33 I/DEBUG   (   30):
34 I/DEBUG   (   30): code around pc:
35 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15ed0 68241c23 d1fb2c00 68dae027 d0042a00
36 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15ee0 20014d18 6028447d 48174790 24802227
37 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15ef0 f7f57002 2106eb56 ec92f7f6 0563aa01
38 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15f00 60932100 91016051 1c112006 e818f7f6
39 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15f10 2200a905 f7f62002 f7f5e824 2106eb42
40 I/DEBUG   (   30):
41 I/DEBUG   (   30): code around lr:
42 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd19354 b0834a0d 589c447b 26009001 686768a5
43 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd19364 220ce008 2b005eab 1c28d003 47889901
44 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd19374 35544306 d5f43f01 2c006824 b003d1ee
45 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd19384 bdf01c30 000281a8 ffffff88 1c0fb5f0
46 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd19394 43551c3d a904b087 1c16ac01 604d9004
47 I/DEBUG   (   30):
48 I/DEBUG   (   30): stack:
49 ........................
92 I/DEBUG   (   30):     408067e4  6f697470
93 I/BootReceiver(   75): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_09 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

We run this command to convert it to vim error file: -v < tombstone_01.txt > vim_error_file
# the -v argument tells agdb to generate a vim error file

Then in vim, we run :cg vim_error_file to load the error file to vim's quickfix buffer.
After the error file is loaded, we run :cw command in vim to examine the call stack. It's shown below:

1 pid: 33, tid: 450  >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
2 /path_to_android_src_root/bionic/libc/unistd/abort.c:82: #00 __libc_android_abort
3 /path_to_android_src_root/system/core/liblog/logd_write.c:235: #01 __android_log_assert
Now we can focus on the line that we'd like to further investigate, and press enter. Vim will bring us the the exact line that the error corresponds to.

The idea of the feature is very simple. As we vim users know, vim is able to recognize lots of compilers' error message. The agdb tool converts the format of stacktrace to gcc compiler's error format, then vim can load the output to quickfix and associate lines with corresponding source code.



One of the most used function on a pc is switching between tasks. We may write some code in vim, switch to firefox to search for the usage of an api. And then switch back to vim continue writing code. Most of time, we do this by using Alt+Tab key combination. But it's not an efficient way if there are many tasks running. It's not quick enough to find the target task.

The main drawback with Alt+Tab is it forces us to deal with more problems. For example, we want to switch to firefox task, the essential problem we're dealing with is finding the task using the clue "FIREFOX". After we press Alt+Tab, we get a window list in which all tasks are identified by icons. Now, we have to deal with another problem, finding out the icon that represents firefox. That's to say, our brain has to do a "context switch" from the "word processing" problem to an "image recognition" problem.

It's not intuitive at all. The idea of QuickSwitch is very similar to Spotlight on mac and FuzzyFinder on vim. We can keep concentrating on the "word processing" problem, no context switch.

QuickSwitch runs as a daemon. By using it, at any time we want to switch ao another task, press Ctrl+Alt+S key combination to bring up the QuickSwith main window, in which all tasks are listed. Then, type any part of the window title of the desired task and press enter to switch to it.

For instance, if we want to switch to firefox task. Type "firefox" in the input box. As we type, the window list is filtered. Those windows don't contain the word we typed in title are filtered out. When there is only one result left in the list, we can press enter key once to switch to it. If there are more than one one result left, we can continuing typing more characters to filter out more un-desired tasks. Or we can press enter to bring focus to the result list and use up, down keys (or Ctrl+P, Ctrl+N) to select desired task and press enter again to switch to it.

Source code:

resolve windows ce remote tool connection issue

remote tools for windows ce is a set of powerful tools for debugging. I have Visual Studio 2005, Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 installed, but the remote tools don't work. They fail to connect to device with following error message:
The Microsoft ActiveSync reported the following error: Unable to load device side components. Please check server configuration settings.

There are two ways to resolve the connection issue.

1. Run remote tools from windows start menu (e.g., Microsoft Visual Studio 2005\Visual Studio Remote Tools\Remote Process Viewer, which is a shortcut to C:\Program Files\CE Remote Tools\5.01\bin\ccpview.exe), instead of starting from visual studio menu (e.g., Target/Remote Tools/Process Viewer, which is a shortcut to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows CE Tools\Platman\bin\wce600\cepview.exe). remote tools version 5.01 work fine.

2. Copy
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows CE Tools\Platman\target\wce600\armV4i\
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows CE Tools\Platman\target\wce600\armV4\
. The lack of the second directory is a bug in remote tools version 6 that causes the connection issue.


view call stack of crashed application on android

On android, when a process crashes in native code, the call stack of the process will be saved to a log file in /data/tombstomes/, and written to logcat as well. The information is helpful for debugging.
Unfortunately, the call stack doesn't show in human readable format, file name, function name. Instead, it's shown as module name (e.g., and memory address of the instruction. We can use addr2line to translate the address to corresponding file name and function name if we have the binary of the module that contains symbol information.
To make it easier to use, this function is included in agdb tool (see here for more). We can use " -r -e module_name address" to find out the function name of specified address within the module.

When we have a long call stack, instead of running the command above for each line in the call stack manually, we can feed the whole call stack to agdb through pipe and get the full resolved call stack. For example, use  "adb logcat | -r" command for adb logcat output with below contents:

22 F/ASessionDescription(   33): frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/rtsp/ASessionDescription.cpp:264 CHECK_GT( end,s) failed:  vs.
23 I/DEBUG   (   30): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
24 I/DEBUG   (   30): Build fingerprint: 'generic/generic/generic:2.3.1/GINGERBREAD/eng.raymond.20101222.130550:eng/test-keys'
25 I/DEBUG   (   30): pid: 33, tid: 450  >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
26 I/DEBUG   (   30): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad
27 I/DEBUG   (   30):  r0 deadbaad  r1 0000000c  r2 00000027  r3 00000000
28 I/DEBUG   (   30):  r4 00000080  r5 afd46668  r6 40806c10  r7 00000000
29 I/DEBUG   (   30):  r8 8031db1d  r9 0000fae0  10 00100000  fp 00000001
30 I/DEBUG   (   30):  ip ffffffff  sp 40806778  lr afd19375  pc afd15ef0  cpsr 00000030
31 I/DEBUG   (   30):          #00  pc 00015ef0  /system/lib/
32 I/DEBUG   (   30):          #01  pc 00001440  /system/lib/
33 I/DEBUG   (   30):
34 I/DEBUG   (   30): code around pc:
35 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15ed0 68241c23 d1fb2c00 68dae027 d0042a00
36 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15ee0 20014d18 6028447d 48174790 24802227
37 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15ef0 f7f57002 2106eb56 ec92f7f6 0563aa01
38 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15f00 60932100 91016051 1c112006 e818f7f6
39 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15f10 2200a905 f7f62002 f7f5e824 2106eb42
40 I/DEBUG   (   30):
41 I/DEBUG   (   30): code around lr:
42 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd19354 b0834a0d 589c447b 26009001 686768a5
43 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd19364 220ce008 2b005eab 1c28d003 47889901
44 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd19374 35544306 d5f43f01 2c006824 b003d1ee
45 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd19384 bdf01c30 000281a8 ffffff88 1c0fb5f0
46 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd19394 43551c3d a904b087 1c16ac01 604d9004
47 I/DEBUG   (   30):
48 I/DEBUG   (   30): stack:
49 ........................
92 I/DEBUG   (   30):     408067e4  6f697470
93 I/BootReceiver(   75): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_09 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

we get:

22 F/ASessionDescription(   33): frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/rtsp/ASessionDescription.cpp:264 CHECK_GT( end,s) failed:  vs.
23 I/DEBUG   (   30): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
24 I/DEBUG   (   30): Build fingerprint: 'generic/generic/generic:2.3.1/GINGERBREAD/eng.raymond.20101222.130550:eng/test-keys'
25 I/DEBUG   (   30): pid: 33, tid: 450  >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
26 I/DEBUG   (   30): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad
27 I/DEBUG   (   30):  r0 deadbaad  r1 0000000c  r2 00000027  r3 00000000
28 I/DEBUG   (   30):  r4 00000080  r5 afd46668  r6 40806c10  r7 00000000
29 I/DEBUG   (   30):  r8 8031db1d  r9 0000fae0  10 00100000  fp 00000001
30 I/DEBUG   (   30):  ip ffffffff  sp 40806778  lr afd19375  pc afd15ef0  cpsr 00000030
31 I/DEBUG   (   30):          #00  pc 00015ef0  /system/lib/
32 I/DEBUG   (   30):          #00  __libc_android_abort: abort.c:82
33 I/DEBUG   (   30):          #01  pc 00001440  /system/lib/
34 I/DEBUG   (   30):          #01  __android_log_assert: logd_write.c:235
35 I/DEBUG   (   30):
36 I/DEBUG   (   30): code around pc:
37 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15ed0 68241c23 d1fb2c00 68dae027 d0042a00
38 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15ee0 20014d18 6028447d 48174790 24802227
39 I/DEBUG   (   30): afd15ef0 f7f57002 2106eb56 ec92f7f6 0563aa01

Similarly, we copy a tombstone file to our development pc, and use "cat tombstone_01.txt | -r" command to resolve call stack addresses in the tombstone log file.


install h.264 plugin for linphone on ubuntu

h.264 plugin isn't a standard part of linphone installation on ubuntu. We must manually compile and install it.

1. Download msx264 plugin source code.
2. Run sudo apt-get install libmediastreamer-dev libx264-dev libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev libtheora-dev to meet msx264's dependency requirements.
3. Run ./configure --prefix=/usr/lib. It's mandatory to set prefix to /usr/lib, because linphone can't find the plugin if it's installed in default location, /usr/local/lib.
4. Run sudo make install.
5. Change the line 393 in src/msx264.c from

393     if (sws_scale(s->sws_ctx,(uint8_t * const*)orig->data,orig->linesize, 0,


393     if (sws_scale(s->sws_ctx,(uint8_t **)orig->data,orig->linesize, 0,

to get rid of compilation error, if you have.

6. Restart linphone, the h.264 plugin should be available now.

utility for debugging android native application

agdb is a utility aims to ease the task of debugging android native application. Its working mechanism is similar to ndk-gdb. But it's intended to assist debugging native applications in android source tree, not for application created with ndk.

It does following things for us automatically:
  1. find the binary that contains symbol data of target process
  2. attach gdbserver to the target process on device, or start the target process under gdbserver if the process isn't already running
  3. start gdb client and set correct symbol file search path
How to use it
agdb must know the root directory of android source code. We can tell it by passing --android-src-root argument or setting ANDROID_SRC_ROOT environment variable.
agdb interacts with target device through adb, so the device must be accessible through adb.
gdb client communicates gdbserver through tcp protocol (tcp port 7890 by default). If using emulator, we need to forward or redir tcp ports in advance.

After all prequirements are met, we can run " process_name" to debug desired application. For example, if we want to debug mediaserver application, simply run mediaserver.
If we want to debug code in native part of a dalvik (java) application, we can use: --dalvik [package_name (for example,]

It doesn't work on Windows.
It starts gdbserver in network communication mode, serial port isn't supported.
It doesn't support dalvik application.



view raw yuv file with mplayer

mplayer is a powerful utility that is helpful for examining the raw yuv file.
We decoded this h.264 media file (test_avc_amr.mp4) coming with android opencore to yuv format, saved as a.yuv. The command below can display the yuv file frame by frame:
mplayer -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=176:h=144:format=i420 a.yuv -loop 0

The internal structure of a.yuv is a serial of yuv frames, without any header describing the size and format.

So, to make mplayer work, we should tell it the width and height of the yuv in pixel. Also, we need to specify the format of the raw video. The command below shows us all available formats:
mplayer -rawvideo format=help

mplayer manual page
mplayer online documentation


another free uml tool, bouml

Having tried metauml as my primary design utility recently, the experience isn't as good as I expected. At the beginning, I thought I would be more focused on the content/design while using a pure textual editing tool, but the result is very frustrating. Because I have to pay more attention on the organization and layout, rather than the design. metauml doesn't help me organizing elements at all, leave it all to me. I have to think in advance where should an element be placed, and instructed metauml to place the element explicitly, either in absolute coordinate or in relative coordinate. It seems ok for simple diagrams with very few elements. But as the number of elements increases, it's very hard to plan in advance. Once I made a mistake, the cost to change it is huge, I may have to re-organize everything, to keep the diagram clean.
I found an graphical tool, bouml, as an great replacement. It's efficient and powerful. bouml saves everything in text, so it's also possible to do version control. The best feature I noticed so far is its capability of reversing c++ code. By  feeding it with source code directories, it will generate a full list of classes, methods exist in the code. It's very helpful for analyzing others' projects.


install fcitx input method on ubuntu

The default scim input method doesn't work well with freemind on my computer, so I'd like to switch to fcitx. The fcitx package in ubuntu repository is an old version, and to install fcitx manually isn't very straightforward, so I make this post about how I managed to get it to work.

1. Download fcitx source code and extract.
2. Make sure all dependent libraries are installed:
sudo apt-get install libpango1.0-dev libcairo2-dev xorg-dev libtool gettext intltool
3. Run configure && make && make install
4. At this time, fcitx failed to run and gave following error:  fcitx: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. To fix it, create a symbol link in /usr/lib with this command:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
5. Create /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/fcitx file with below content. Alternatively we can place them in ~/.profile.
6. Edit /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodule-files.d/libgtk2.0-0.immodules file, change the line
"xim" "X Input Method" "gtk20" "/usr/share/locale" "ko:ja:th:zh"
"xim" "X Input Method" "gtk20" "/usr/share/locale" "en:ko:ja:th:zh"
7. Restart

To make fcitx more convenient to use, I run fcitx-config and change configurations below.
# Candidate Word Number
# Main Window Hide Mode
# Show Input Window After Trigger Input Mode
# Show Input Speed



update to latest metauml

The metauml package contained in the default texlive installation on ubuntu is the old version 0.2.3. This version doesn't support component diagram. I have to update to latest version manually. Here is how:

  1. backup /usr/share/texmf-texlive/metapost/metauml
  2. download metauml here
  3. extract and copy everything under metauml/inputs to /usr/share/texmf-texlive/metapost/metauml
  4. run "sudo texhash" to refresh texmf database, so that new version will be recognized

Now try the following diagram, it should compile fine.
1 input metauml;
2   beginfig(1);
4   Component.C("ComponentAAA")();
5   drawObject(C);
7   endfig;
8 end


draw uml with latex&metauml

I've used and enjoyed the benefits of reversion control system for several years. RCS makes my life a lot easier. And it pushes me to highly prefer text format files over binary files, because text files can be managed by RCS more easily. metauml is a metapost library for creating uml diagrams, in text format.

Here are the steps to use it on ubuntu:
  1. install texlive with: sudo apt-get install texlive
  2. install metauml containing in metapost for tex: sudo apt-get install texlive-metapost
Texlive is also available for windows.
After all these tools have being installed, we can start our first uml diagram in latex.
Suppose we have following classes, and want to draw class diagram for them.
 1 class Point
 2 {
 3 public:
 4     int x;
 5     int y;
 6 };
 8 class Shape
 9 {
10     public:
11         virtual int get_circumference() = 0;
12         virtual ~shape();
13 };
15 class Circle : public Shape
16 {
17     private:
18         Point center;
19         int radius;
20     public:
21         int get_circumference();
22 };

We create below metapost file, save it as, and use "mpost" command to generate a postscript file, class_diagram.1.
 1 input metauml;
 2 beginfig(1);
 3     %define classes
 4     Class.Point("Point")("+x: int""+y: int")();
 5     Class.Shape("Shape")()("+get_circumference(): int");
 6     Class.Circle("Circle")("-center: Point""-radius:  int")("+get_circumference(): int");
 8     %layout classes
 9     topToBottom(50)(Point, Circle);
10     leftToRight(50)(Circle, Shape);
12     %draw classes
13     drawObjects(Point, Shape, Circle);
15     %link classes
16     link(inheritance)(Circle.e -- Shape.w);
17     link(composition)(Point.s -- Circle.n);
18 endfig;
19 end

 Then we create below tex file as a container document for the postscript. And use "pdflatex uml.tex" to generate the final pdf file.
 1 \documentclass{article}
 3 % The following is needed in order to make the code compatible
 4 % with both latex/dvips and pdflatex.
 5 \ifx\pdftexversion\undefined
 6 \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
 7 \else
 8 \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
 9 \DeclareGraphicsRule{*}{mps}{*}{}
10 \fi
12 \title{MetaUML example}
13 \author{Raymond Wen}
15 \begin{document}
17 \maketitle
19 \section{Example}
20 \includegraphics{class_diagram.1}
22 \end{document}

A thing worth noticing is the latex document is of A4 size by default, which is not possible to contain a complex uml diagram. We can use "\paperwidth = 1024pt", "\paperheight = 1024pt", "\textheight = 800pt" command to create a document of arbitrary size. Here is more information about latex page layout.
The final diagram is shown below:

The advantages of using tex file to draw uml diagram includes:
  1. We can concentrate on the content of the uml, rather than its layout
  2. The diagram can be easily version controlled and compared
  3. It's easier to make modifications
  4. It's totally free
  5. The output file format can be easily changed
  6. It's possible to use/write tools to generate uml diagram automatically


paste in vim command line

To be able to paste something to vim's command line is a feature makes our life a lot easier. For instance, say we want to change a frequently used variable name in c source file from a_super_long_inproper_variable_for_caching_bank_account_balance to balance. To replace all of the variable's occurrence, we plan to use following replace command:
Without paste capability, we have to type the variable name ourself, maybe several times because we doom to type the name wrong.
Luckily, vim has at least two ways to rescue us from having to type the name.
1. command-line window
command-line window is a separate window that enables us editing command just like working in a normal window. Plus, it lists command history. So, we can easily copy the variable name via yank command and paste it to command-line window. To open the command-line window, we can type q: while in normal mode. For more information about command-line window, see help q: in vim.
2. paste with Ctrl+R shortcut key combination
Instead of opening a separate command-line window, we can also paste directly in vim command line. While editing within command line, we can use Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W key combination to paste the word currently under cursor in last window to command line. Beside the forgoing shortcut key, vim features a lot of key combination that let us paste from different sources, like registers, file name, etc. Run :help c_CTRL-R to find more out its real power.

Vim documentation: cmdline


openoffice exports better pdf than word

I generated a pdf file from a word document with word 2007. But the pdf file looks very uncomfortable in my pdf viewer. So I looked it closely to see what makes me feel so. The culprit is the spacing between characters. As shown in the image blow, the spacing between characters within a word varies in the pdf file, though the original word document doesn't exhibit this.
I tried to export the pdf file with openoffice again. To my surprise, the generated file looks very smooth and comfortable. The spacing between characters is perfect, just as they are in doc file. Also, the edge of the font is much more clear.

I usually don't pay much attention to details like fonts and spacing. But the performance between word and openoffice differs so much that it's hard to not to notice them. I just don't get how word deserves its price.


install ipython and readline on mac

ipython is a powerful interactive shell for python. With it, we can tak advantage of python programming language in our daily works.
One of ipython's power is its tab-completion feature that needs readline to work. On mac system, it lacks this library due to license issue. There is a proprietary version of readline in mac, but it doesn't work with ipython.
To install them on mac system, we can simply use easy_install utility, like this:
sudo easy_install ipython readline